Zines Revisited – Workshop July 20, 2022

Zines Revisited

Date: July 20, 2022
Time: 10:00-18:00
Where: Seminarraum 7 (02-365), NatMed Bau, Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 7-15


10:00 Welcome/Introduction

10:15 Teal Triggs (RCA, London) (online): Zines by Design: Remediating Ripped &Torn

11:15 coffee break

11:30 Matthew Worley (University of Reading): Sniffin’ Glue (1976-77) and Ripped & Torn (1976-79): Two case studies as to why fanzines matter

12:30 lunch break

14:00 Anna L. Poletti (Utrecht University) (online): Intimate Ephemera: Zines as Life Writing

15:00 coffee break

15:15 Miloš Hroch (Charles University) The materiality of zines in the post-digital era

16:15 coffee break

16:30 Christian Schmidt (Archiv der Jugendkulturen): Zines and Archives

17:30 Final discussion


Please download the flyer here.


Zoom-Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81034668321?pwd=R1VyL3BDRlN0OTFVa0poR3JSejdiQT09