Forthcoming Publications

Scheiding, Oliver. “Decolonial Print: DIY’s Media Ecology and Indigenous Zines.” Indigenous Media Ecologies. Eds. Cristina Stanciu, Jill Doerfler, and Oliver Scheiding. forthcoming.

Stanciu Cristina, Jill Doerfler, and Oliver Scheiding, eds. Indigenous Media Ecologies. forthcoming.

Scheiding, Oliver, Frank Newton, eds. Indigenous Periodicals: American Indian Newspapers and Magazines, 1887–1934: An Anthology (under contract with Nebraska University Press).


Scheiding, Oliver, Frank Newton. “Native American Periodicals: The Art and Politics of Early Twentieth-Century Indigenous Printscapes,” Amerikastudien / American Studies 69.2 (2024): 111-132.

Stanciu, Cristina, Oliver Scheiding, and Jill Doerfler, “Introduction: ‘You Could Speak the Truth with a Tongue of Fire’: The Cultural and Political Work of Indigenous Periodicals.” Indigenous Periodicals. Special Issue. American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and Bibliography 33.2 (2023).

Scheiding, Oliver. “Indies as Brands.” (Trans)forming Magazines: Rethinking the Medium in the Digital Age. Eds. Timothy Holmes and Carla Rodrigues Cardoso. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publication. Forthcoming, 2022.

Ernst, Jutta and Scheiding, Oliver. “New Directions in Periodical Studies.” Periodicals in Focus: Methodological Approaches and Theoretical Frameworks. Eds. Jutta Ernst, Dagmar von Hoff, and Oliver Scheiding. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021. Studies in Periodical Cultures Vol. 1, 2021.

Fazli, Sabina and Scheiding, Oliver. “Spiel mit Unterscheidungen in Magazin-Bildstrecken.” Human­dif­fe­ren­zier­ung. Eds. Tobias Boll, Stefan Hirschauer, and Gabrielle Schabacher. Weilserwist: Velbrück, 2021.

Anderson, Natascha. “Strolling the Streets to Discover the Cities. Cosmopolitan Collage in the Independent Magazine Flaneur.” Independent Magazines Today special issue of Journal of European Periodical Studies. Eds. Natascha Anderson, Sabina Fazli, and Oliver Scheiding. 5.2. (2020): 31-45.

Jutta Ernst, and Oliver Scheiding. “Periodical Studies as a Transepistemic Field.” Periodical Studies Today: Multidisciplinary Analyses. Eds. Jutta Ernst, Dagmar von Hoff, Oliver Scheiding. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2022. 1–24.

Ernst, Jutta. “From Chicago to Paris: The Frenchification of The Little Review.” Transcending Boundaries: Migrations, Dislocations, and Literary Transformations. Eds. Igor Maver, Wolfgang Zach, and Astrid Flögel. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2020. 93-103.

Ernst, Jutta. “Lives in Transition: Eugene Jolas’s Man from Babel, the Obama Presidency, and Transnational American Studies.” Obama and Transnational American Studies. Ed. Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016. 471-91.

Ernst, Jutta. “Modernism in the United States and Canada.” The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative North American Literature. Ed. Reingard M. Nischik. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 257-76.

Ernst, Jutta. “‘Il me faut forger une arme de la littérature’: Felix Paul Greve among the Magazines.” The Politics of Cultural Mediation: Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven and Felix Paul Greve. Eds. Paul Hjartarson and Tracy Kulba. Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press, 2003. 69-84.

Ernst, Jutta. “Institutionen, literarische.” Metzler Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie: Ansätze – Per­sonen – Grundbegriffe. Ed. Ansgar Nünning. Stuttgart: Metz­ler, 1998. 235-36.

Ernst, Jutta. “The Hart Brothers as Anthologists.” Weltliteratur in deutschen Versanthologien des 19. Jahrhunderts. Eds. Helga Eßmann and Udo Schöning. Berlin: Schmidt, 1996. 433-49.

Sabina, Fazli, and Oliver Scheiding. “Spiel mit Unterscheidungen in Bildstrecken von Zeitschriften.” Human­dif­fe­ren­zier­ung: Disziplinäre Perspektiven und empirische Sondierungen. Eds. Dilek Dizdar, Stefan Hirschauer, Johannes Paulmann, and Gabriele Schabacher.Weilerswist: Velbrück, 2021. 260-286.

Scheiding, Oliver. “Materiality in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literary Magazines.” Routledge Companion to the British and North American Literary Magazine. Ed. Tim Lanzendörfer. New York and London: Routledge. 2022. 80-92.

Scheiding, Oliver. “Magazines, Print Culture, and the American Short Story.” Studies in the American Short Story 2.1 (2021): 20-47.

Scheiding, Oliver. “Indie Magazines as Brands. Aesthetic Communication and Designing the Kinfolk Experience.” Independent Magazines Today special issue of Journal of European Periodical Studies Eds. Natascha Anderson, Sabina Fazli, and Oliver Scheiding. 5.2. (2020): 26-59.

Scheiding, Oliver. “Nineteenth-Century American Indian Newspapers and the Construction of Sovereignty.” The Cambridge History of Native American Literature.” Ed. Melanie Benson Taylor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres, 2020. 89-112.

Scheiding, Oliver. “Introduction. Toward a Media History of Religious Periodicals.” Eds. Oliver Scheiding and Anja-Maria Bassimir. Religious Periodicals and Publishing in a Transnational Context. The Press and the Pulpit. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. 1-21.

Scheiding, Oliver. “Die Autopoeisis des Evangelikalismus. Das Glaubensgeschäft einer transkofessionellen Missionsbewegung.” Ed. Stefan Hirschauer. Un/doing Differences. Praktiken der Humandifferenzierung. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft, 2017. 144-171. 

von Hoff, Dagmar. “Die Zeitschrift Das Goldene Tor (1946-1951).” Ed. Sabina Becker. Döblin Handbuch. Leben, Werk, Wirkung. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag, 2016. 250-254.

Scheiding, Oliver & Bassimir, Anja-Maria. “Religion, Schrift, Differenz. Materialität im Spiegel evangelikaler Zeitschriften der USA.” Eds. Herbert Kalthoff et al. Materialität: Herausforderungen für die Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2016. 244-246, 325-342.

Scheiding, Oliver. “Small Tales: Brevity and Liminality in Early American Magazines.” Liminality and the Short Story. Boundary Crossings in Canadian, American, and British Writings. Eds. Jochen Achilles and Ina Bergmann. New York: Routledge, 2014. 121-133.

Scheiding, Oliver. “Migrant Fictions.” The Early Story in North American Magazines.” Eds. Ingo Berensmeyer, Christoph Ehland and Herbert Grabes. Mobility in Literature and Culture, 1500-1900. Real: Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 28. Tübingen: Narr Verlag, 2012. 197-218.

Special Issues

Stanciu, Cristina, Jill Doerfler, and Oliver Scheiding, eds. Indigenous Periodicals. Special Issue. American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and Bibliography 33.2 (2023).

Anderson, Natascha, Fazli, Sabina, Scheiding, Oliver. “Independent Magazines Today.” Independent Magazines Today special issue of Journal of European Periodical Studies. Eds. Natascha Anderson, Sabina Fazli, and Oliver Scheiding. 5.2. (2020): 1-11.

Fazli, Sabina. “Micro-Archives and the Survival of Print in Momma Tried and Sabat.” Independent Magazines Today special issue of Journal of European Periodical Studies. Eds. Natascha Anderson, Sabina Fazli, and Oliver Scheiding. 5.2. (2020): 12-30.

Scheiding, Oliver, and Anja-Maria Bassimir. “Under the Cover of Religious Periodicals: Editorial Practice and Magazine Production.” Periodical Studies Today: Multidisciplinary Analyses. Eds. Jutta Ernst, Dagmar von Hoff, Oliver Scheiding. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2022. 332–368.

Anderson, Natascha, Fazli, Sabina and Scheiding, Oliver (eds.). Independent Magazines Today [Special Issue]. Journal of European Periodical Studies. 5.2 (2020).


Scheiding, Oliver, and Sabina Fazli, eds. Handbuch Zeitschriftenforschung. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. Edition Medienwissenschaft. 2022 (Hard cover and Open Access; Nov. 2022).

Ernst, Jutta, von Hoff, Dagmar, and Scheiding, Oliver. Periodical Studies Today: Multidisciplinary Analyses. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2022. Studies in Periodical Cultures, Vol. 1. pp. 499 and Illustrations.

Combining theoretical and empirical approaches, this volume offers a wide-ranging survey of periodical research today. It illustrates the shift from content-related investigations and archival recovery to multidisciplinary analyses which consider, for instance, how magazines, newspapers, and other serial print products shape our opinions and help us to form like-minded communities. International specialists explore periodicals as relational artefacts, highlighting editorial constellations, material conditions, translation, design, marketing, and consumption of newspapers and magazines from the late seventeenth to the twenty-first century. A must-read for academic and interested readers who wish to explore new and relevant ways to analyze periodicals.

Benson Taylor, Melanie (ed.). The Cambridge History of Native American Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020.

Ernst, Jutta. Amerikanische Modernismen: Schreibweisen , Konzepte und zeitgenössische Periodika als Vermittlungsinstanzen. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2018.

New book series: Studies in Periodical Cultures

Studies in Periodical Cultures (SPC) published by Brill contributes to the bourgeoning field of periodical studies, exploring magazines, newspapers, and other forms of serialized media in (trans)national contexts. Research into periodicals is of high interest to many because of the medium’s pervasiveness and its enmeshment with the formation of cultural identities. This book series seeks to assess the role of periodicals for processes of cultural transfer and translation. It also promotes the ‘business turn’ in periodical studies and highlights material and legal frameworks, design, translation, marketing and consumption. SPC proposes to study periodicals less as autonomous objects, but rather as agents embedded in changing historical contexts.
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Working papers

Sawade, Laura. Editorial Habitus in The Liberator: The Interdependence of Abolitionist Activism and Periodical Editorship.

Meerwein. Periodical Studies. The Print Press Elite and the Government.

Video Productions

Video Periodicals and Indigenous Modernity. Building a Text Corpus of American Indian Magazines, 1890-1930