Studies in Periodical Cultures: First Volume now Available in Open Access

Studies in Periodical Cultures
Series Editors: Jutta Ernst and Oliver Scheiding

Open Access

Volume 1 in the series Periodical Studies Today is available in Open Access: free to read online, no account needed.

The new series Studies in Periodical Cultures (SPC) contributes to the burgeoning field of periodical studies, exploring magazines, newspapers, and other forms of serialized media in (trans)national contexts. SPC invites contributions from a range of disciplines including approaches developed in the humanities and social sciences. The series welcomes transnational approaches to periodical studies providing fresh insights into foreign language publications, the role of international editions, the ethnic press and related issues like race, gender, and sexuality. It also promotes the ‘business turn’ in periodical studies and highlights material and legal frameworks, design, translation, marketing and consumption.

Volumes 2 and 3

Felix Brinker and Ruth Mayer edited Modernity and the Periodical PressTrans-Atlantic Mass Culture and the Avant-Gardes, 1880-1920, volume 2 of Studies in Periodical Cultures.

Johanna Seibert authored Early African Caribbean Newspapers as Archipelagic Media in the Emancipation Age, volume 3 of Studies in Periodical Cultures. For her research on Black newspaper print in the early Caribbean, Johanna Seibert received an award from the Vereinigung der Freunde der Universität Mainz e.V. in July 2022.

Submit your proposal
Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the publisher at Brill, Christa Stevens: For more information and guidelines see