Symposium Selfing and Shelving: Zines, Zine Media, and Zintivism

May 3, 2024
Mainz University, Alter Musiksaal, Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 2-4
08:30 – 09:00 am Registration
09:00 – 09:15 Welcome
09:15 – 10:15 Selfing I: Scenes
Chair: Simge Büyükgümüs
Matthew Worley (Reading): Fanzines – Genres of Political Writing
Blanca Algaba Pérez (Madrid): Searching for identities: how fanzines provided meaning and communities to the youth in Madrid in the 1980s
10:15 – 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 – 11:30 Zintivism and Zine Paedagogies
Chair: Lydia Kleinstück
Emilee Bews / Margaret McKenzie / Samantha Nepton (Montreal): DecoloniZine: Building Community through Arts-based Projects
Sally Campbell Pirie (Amherst): Whimsy as method: Using zines in ethnographic research
11:30 – 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 – 12:45 Shelving I: Theory and Ethics
Chair: Oliver Scheiding
Christian Schmidt (Berlin): On the reciprocal and interwoven practices of “selfing” and “shelving” in and with zines
Laurence Byrne (London): Zines against the state: ethical considerations for zine collections within national libraries
12:45 – 02:00 Lunch
02:00 – 03:30 Selfing II: Affect(s)
Chair: Sabina Fazli
Abi Hockaday (Newcastle): Affected Fan(dom)s, Affecting Communities: Women Fans and the Golden Age of British Science Fiction (1950-1960)
Lea Cooper (Edinburgh): Zines as Crip Doulas
Marie-Pierre Bonniol (Berlin): Finding Peers: From Fanzines to Livres d’Images
03:30 – 04:00 Coffee break
04:00 – 05:00 Shelving II: Local Collections
Chair: Frank Newton
Ricarda Musser (Berlin): Shelving zines and zine media from Latin America: The example of Chile
Shreyas R. Krishnan / Aggie Toppins (St. Louis): TL;DR Zine Archive. Collecting Creative Research & Fostering Collaboration
05:00 – 05:15 Coffee break
05:15 – 06:15 Materiality and the Postdigital
Chair: Miloš Hroch
Peter Willis (Coventry): Towards a Material History of Zines
Jānis Daugavietis (Riga): New printed punk zines in the small scene: the case of Riga’s ‘Puve’ and ‘Grūst’ (2022-2024)
ca. 07:30 Dinner (tba)
For an online-version of the symposium’s abstracts click here.