Small Forms in Circulation: Infrastructures, Practices, Publics

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Main Building, 1st Floor | Room 2070 A 

Dec 28-30, 2024

Organization: Gesche Mirjam Beyer, Claas Oberstadt, Marvin Renfordt, Morten Schneider, Anja Shchetvina


Thursday, 28.11.: Infrastructures

14:00-14:30 Opening

14:30-15:30 Keynote

Sebastian Gießmann (Siegen University): Infrastructures and/as environments: practices and ecologies of circulation

Moderation: Anya Shchetvina

15:30-15:45 Break

15:45-16:45 Subverting infrastructures

Moderation: Anya Shchetvina

Marvin Renfordt (HU Berlin): How to smuggle queer personals through the postal system: Die Freundschaft (1919-1933)

P. Arun (Krea University): Gandhi, telegrams and anti-colonial struggle: circulation of short telegraphic messages in late colonial Inda (1920-1940s)

16:45-17:00 Break

17:00-18:00 Cultural Infrastructures

Moderation: Claas Oberstadt

Camilla Salvaneschi (Iuav University of Venice): Contraction and expansion: e-flux announcements between small textual form and Infrastructure of critique

Carlos Salazar Wagner (University of Florence): New forms of exchange in the Florentine alternative art scene in the 70s

Friday, 29.11.: Practices

10:00-11:00 Keynote

Filippo de Vivo (University of Oxford): From streets to archive: pasquinades and libels between re-mediation and de-mediation

Moderation: Morten Schneider

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-12:45 Hybrid Media of Early Modern Information Exchange

Moderation: Johann Gartlinger

Antonio Pattori (University of Oxford): Selling a Renaissance conspiracy: disinformation and popular politics around sixteenth-century Italian political plots and assassinations

Morten Schneider (HU Berlin): Magical trouble in the streets of Paris: The diffusion, remediation and interpretation fo the Rosicrucian placards (1623)

Jameson Kısmet Bell (Boğaziçi University): Of shite and diamonds: uncommon materials and technologies of early 18th century European short literature in The Merry Thought (1731)

12:45-13:00 Break

13:00-14:00 Epistolary practices beyond ink and paper

Moderation: Gesche Beyer

Hole Rößler (Herzog August Library): Sending pictures – creating images: the circulation of portrait prints in the Early Modern Republic of Letters

Christian Marchlewitz (HU Berlin): A rock dwelling in a pebble: practises of enclosure in Kafka’s letters

14:00-15:30 Lunch Break

15:30-16:30 (Re)formatting children’s literature

Moderation: Franziska Teubert

Madeline Zehnder (HU Berlin): The habit-forming book: small forms and practices of imitation in 19th century American children’s literature

Sarah Pyke (Münster University): Frog and Toad Together: queer remediation and the cultural re-emergence of a children’s classic

16:30-16:45 Break

16:45-17:45 Evoking proximity on social media

Moderation: Anya Shchetvina

Henrik Wehmeier (University of Hamburg): Formatting the flow: the circulation of poetry on and beyond social media

Gesche Beyer (HU Berlin): Getting closer? Remediated forms of Holocaust commemoration in the Instagram project @eva.stories

Saturday, 30.11.: Publics

10:00-11:00 Keynote

Cait McKinney (Simon Fraser University): A Queer History of Blackouts

Moderation: Marvin Renfordt

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-12:15 Collective worldmaking in the underground

Moderation: Claas Oberstadt

Ya’ara Gil-Glazer (Tel Hai College): “Sexual freedom, sexual tolerance and sexual generosity”: Suck underground magazine and the SELF community

Marie van Bömmel (HU Berlin): Popularizing feminism(s): an exhibition catalog as a catalyst of a social movement

12:15-12:30 Break

12:30-13:30 Small forms in colonial publics

Moderation: Chiara Sartor

Roman Alexander Barton (University of Freiburg): The making of the Irish public: affordances of small drama in Britain and Ireland, 1894-1916

Frank Newton (The Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz): Circulating graphic-visual markers: ornamentation in early 20th century pan-indigenous North American periodicals

13:30-14:00 Closing discussion