MLA 2022: Indigenous Periodicals as Multilingual and Multimodal Archives
Date: Thursday, January 6, 2022
Time: 7:00pm – 8:15pm
Location: Marriott Marquis – Dogwood, Washington, D.C.
2022’s Modern Language Association Annual Convention in Washington features a workshop titled “Indigenous Periodicals as Multilingual and Multimodal Archives,” hosted by Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheiding (JGU) and Dr. Cristina Stanciu (Virginia Commonwealth U). The workshop will discuss Indigenous representation in periodicals, an archive at the periphery of research on Indigenous textualities and writing systems. The panelists are Rochelle Zuck (Iowa State U), Alyssa Hunziker (Oklahoma State U, Stillwater), Siobhan Seiner (U of New Hampshire, Durham), and Kathryn Walkiewicz (UC San Diego). They will offer new ways to rethink the materiality and cultural work of Indigenous periodicals and propose new theories for rethinking them alongside materiality, print networks, cosmopolitanism, bilingualism, and settler colonialism.
For more information on the 2022 MLA Annual Convention, please visit