‘Artistic Arguments’ – Workshop September 20, 2023
|Simon Morris: ‘Artistic Arguments:’ Inscription. The Journal of Material Text. Theory, Practice, History.
Date: September 20, 2023
Time: 2-4pm
Place: Besprechungsraum 02.102, Obama Institute, Philo II, Jakob-Welder-Weg 20

On September 20, 2023, Simon Morris (Leeds Beckett University) presented his work on Inscription during a workshop hosted by Transnational Periodical Cultures at 2pm.
Simon Morris is an artist, curator, and director, and Professor of Art and Director of Research in the Leeds School of Art at Leeds Beckett University.
He has founded the publishing imprint ‘information as material’ which has published over sixty books by international artists and writers, and he has himself authored numerous experimental books.
Simon Morris’s research appears in the form of exhibitions, publications, installations, films, actions and texts which all revolve around the form of the book and often involve collaborations with people from the fields of art, creative technology, literature and psychoanalysis, and he examines the relationship between reading and art.
In 2020, he founded Inscription: the Journal of Material Text – Theory, Practice, History with his co-editors, Dr Jill Partington (Institute of English Studies, University of London) and Professor Adam Smyth (University of Oxford).